Training & Coaching

maximize Out of home revenue & profit!

Experience the training that scores of OOH professionals participate in from all over the country, honing their selling skills!

Dan Nausley - Headshot
Dan Nausley
Lisa Nausley
We specialize in ooh training!
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Does your OOH team struggle with…?

Not getting enough quality referrals?

What to say to get annual deals closed?

Getting prospects to act before avails change

Holding salespeople accountable?

Winging it; no proven, repeatable sales process?

Average rate per face not pacing with increasing expenses?

Getting clients to invest in fresh messaging and/or vinyls?

Renewal conversations and avoid ongoing client dialogue?

Reaching or maintaining occupancy rates at 90%+?

Not sure how to coach people out of a sales slump?
Schedule a 5-minute conversation to learn more!
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John Murrow - Headshot

“EXPECTED TO be let down!”

Having been told such great things from our friends in the OOH industry, our leadership team had such high expectations that we kind of expected to be let down.  However, we’ve been blown away, it’s even better than we thought it would be!  Our kickoff was awesome, the weekly sessions, online courses and materials are very impressive.

Our CEO, Randy Otto said he has been in the OOH industry for 40 years and has been through a lot of different training; this is the best he has experienced.

Prior to engaging we recognized the lack of a consistent system in our sales and sales management efforts. Since partnering we've already seen improvements in our sales performance, with a significant uptick in the last 10 days. This consistency is what we were seeking, and we believe it's here to stay.

For me personally, as someone not from a sales background, the program's impact has been noticeable even in other areas like leasing. The upfront contract and the 'cookbook' approach have been particularly beneficial. It's like having a productive to-do list that guides your daily activities to reach your goals.

In conclusion, our experience with the OOH Sales Mastery program has been outstanding. We appreciate the effective training, valuable tools, and the commitment to helping us achieve success. I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking growth and consistency in sales and management.
John Murrow
COO of Trailhead Media
Tony Lockridge - Headshot

"Valuable Insights and Strategies Drive Record Breaking Performance"

I initially approached the OOH Sales Mastery program with some reservations, as I did not fully comprehend the strength and breadth of the program at the outset. However, I quickly discovered that the program offers valuable insights and strategies for individuals at all levels of the billboard advertising sales industry, from seasoned professionals to newcomers seeking guidance.

Our company has significantly benefited from implementing the OOH Sales Mastery program, as evidenced by our record-breaking revenue performance. Consequently, I plan to endorse this program to my colleagues, partners, and new sales personnel within the organization.

The OOH Sales Mastery program provides a comprehensive foundation, addressing essential topics such as self-esteem, goal setting, habits, and journaling. These are elements that many high-level professionals and company leaders have incorporated into their daily routines.

We recognize the importance of sales professionals adopting the same personal development principles that successful CEOs employ. The initial sessions of the program presented highly effective strategies that I have personally utilized throughout my career, which have contributed significantly to my own success. It is evident that these strategies have the potential to greatly benefit sales personnel within the organization, as they embody the formula for achievement in any field.

The return on investment for the OOH Sales Mastery program is apparent for any outdoor advertising company seeking to enhance their sales performance and cultivate a team of highly skilled and successful sales professionals.
Tony Lockridge
Owner, Lockridge Outdoor Advertising
Mark Liljehorn - Headshot

"We blew away our stretch goal and this year we are tracking to have that same kind of growth again!"

We were already in a very successful situation as a company; already growing, had low vacancy, and we had what appeared to be great sales numbers.

We were very comfortable in what we were doing. And in doing so, maybe had some bad habits.  There is always fear of new, fear of change. However, even when I was thinking everything's perfectly fine right now. It has been well worth taking the time being in the weekly OOH sessions.

There've been so many large tools that have come out of OOH Sales Mastery. But there's also just the tiny little nuggets, like approaching cold calls with ‘did I catch you at a bad time?’ That is something that you could just glaze over and go past, but that alone has been a game changer on calls. There are sales that we can attribute just to that single phrase.

I have a salesperson who closed one yesterday for $40,000 because she was able to convert her presentation to connect with a different behavioral/communication style utilizing the skill set she learned. She recognized the need to present it real quick, even though it was killing her to not look into and dig into the details. She recognized her prospect did not have time for that and didn’t want that. Had she not modified her approach, she would've gotten a “no” out of the guy because she would've taken way too much time going through it for him.

Last year we had massive revenue growth, more than 30% year over year. We blew away our stretch goal and this year we are tracking to have that same kind of growth again! Props to my sales team just this week. It’s Friday morning and we've already had our 3rd busiest week in the history of the company, 3rd most signed contracts. I tell you the growth and where we are this year to date, we have already hit 3 of our top sales weeks in the history of the company. We’re moving in the right direction!
Mark Liljehorn
CEO, Legacy Outdoor Advertising
'Crash an Outdoor Sales Mastery Class' on a  Billboard

Crash an Outdoor Sales Mastery Class!

Experience the training that scores of OOH professionals participate in from all over the country, honing their selling skills!
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Hear from our happy clients!

Mark Peterson - Headshot

“Strong Results in Our First Year,
Following That With a 12% Gain Again!"

Our sales team is more confident in approaching new clients and in handling clients that call in for information. We are doing a better job of asking questions to find out about the businesses and organizations we are speaking to, rather than simply sending out our locations, our maps and our rates.  I'm seeing greater confidence in our sales team as they are exposed to new systems and strategies in approaching potential customers.  There is an excitement created when our team learns new things that they weren't doing previously.  Prior to the training, we really didn't have a strategy and system as to how or what we did.  Now we have a system in place which helps us evaluate how we did with each sales call. Did we get the type of information from the client that we were looking for, and is it helping us secure more business than we might have before? We engaged in the program early this past year and we are coming off a strong 2022. I just looked at the first quarter numbers of ’23 and we're running about 12% ahead of last year!
Mark Peterson
COO of Blackbird Media
Katie Parkes - Headshot

"Such a Benefit To Have Access to This Information,
This Type of Training and The Support"

Sometimes it's hard to quantify leadership improvement like you can when you see the improvement in revenue. But for me, it helped in building confidence in my communication skills. It's helped me to plan out my week to be far more productive. I have a better understanding of what I'm doing, what I'm putting my energy towards and how that's benefiting our organization as a whole.

The sessions are awesome! Learning about how to improve in managing your team, managing your organization, and being able to work with other people that are dealing with the same things that you are is huge. Not only do I learn a lot from our facilitators, I pick up a lot from the other leaders in the sessions.

I can't say it enough, it's just been such an added benefit of working here to be able to have access to this type of information, this type of support, this type of training. It's just really, really helpful, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of applying something that I've learned into my day and how I do my job.

As Operations Manager looking across the organization, I have witnessed the impact of having a process and a common language that all are following. Especially as we have grown and added locations, when everyone is using the same terminology, when everyone understands the goal, it helps everyone in every aspect of the job, from real estate to operations to sales to senior leadership. You all have the same goal in mind, but you all have your own individual cookbooks to get you there. And when we all are speaking in those terms to each other, you understand what everyone's supposed to do and how you can help them.
Katie Parkes
Operations Manager, View Outdoor
It's critical to always continue to master your trade whether you're a brand new salesperson in this industry or you've been doing it for a long time.

Having a structured flow to the sales process is a big takeaway for me. Even for a seasoned salesperson, having a true path laid out, to me, really helps control the situation which honestly has resulted in a significant uptick in my sales.

I truly do enjoy the training. I'm grateful that my company chooses to invest resources in ongoing training. Frankly, the sales staff that I see that embrace the training the most, ironically enough, are the ones that are also ranking highest on the scorecard!
B. Alvarez
Sales used to be a thing that I was good at but didn't enjoy. once I got in this program and saw that it's built around relationships and trust and honesty, it really has made me love my job.This program has helped me to create a structure but it doesn't feel scripted at all. It's still me. It's still natural, and it maximizes my effectiveness when I'm working with clients. Being able to meet regularly with other OOH professionals from across the country has helped me immensely, not only in the networking that it provides but also in staying sharp with best practices and constant reminders of ways to become better and more effective selling outdoor.
D. Adams
Having been in professional sales for 20 years, I had fallen into old habits and old behaviors that limited me.  OOH Sales Mastery has introduced new techniques and new strategies that have helped me tremendously.  First year I was engaged I sold 1 million, second year increased by 40% and year three I am on track for another 43% gain and this is all NEW business.

Your team has such a high level of integrity, professionalism and bring an energy and an atmosphere that make going to work FUN! Those elements are intangibles that really impact a sales force and keeping people motivated and energized to keep going producing results.
M. Malcom
Pat O'Donnell - Headshot

"3 Record breaking Years
in a Row!"

Pat O’Donnell
President of YESCO Outdoor Media
Full Review Here
MaryJane Shackelford - Headshot

"Every Month Seems to Set a New Volume Record!"

MaryJane Shackelford
President of Barnes Advertising Corporation
Full Review Here
Warren Stancil - Headshot

"Occupancy Rate is Now 98% and Holding!"

Warren Stancil
President of Interstate Outdoor
Full Review Here
I really like that the program gives me sales techniques that can be utilized on a daily basis. I’ve been in sales 30 years and I can use these methods to strengthen my sales technique and my closing skills. Love talking with other outdoor sales executives about what they are doing/experiencing/how they are applying the curriculum.
The Outdoor Sales Mastery program is a very helpful tool for me to fine-tune my OOH selling skills as they specifically relate to my job...a great perk of the program! I like how each week is a different topic with breakout rooms to engage in small groups. It makes it engaging and meaningful to be able to share similar challenges, brainstorm ideas, and celebrate successes!
The most successful professional athletes have coaches that continue to develop and train them...so too should professional salespeople! That’s what the weekly OOH Sales Mastery sessions do for our industry. Every week I am challenged to grow professionally and I leave the session inspired and motivated!
I’m excited to share I have yet again had great success with the techniques taught in our OOH Sales Mastery sessions. After the prospect went ‘radio silent’ for 3 weeks I was able to reconnect utilizing the ‘not ok’ strategy we’ve learned and it turned into a 3board buy!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
Patrick McLaughlin - Headshot

“10 to 1 ROI Net Profit!”

DDI has 10 account executives that range in tenure from a little over 1 year to almost 30 years and each generate from about $1.2 up to $4 million annually.

Although we have had a successful track record of overachieving our budget on an annual basis, our management team determined, if we had a consistent program and strategy that all of our sales reps used on a consistent basis, we could even do better.

We engaged this Sandler Team in our business, a little over a year ago. Many of you know that Sandler is one of the largest sales training programs in the country, and our speakers today are highly committed to the outdoor industry and to IBO.

If I told you that for every dollar that we invested with Sandler, we received over 10 dollars in revenue you would probably be impressed, but if I took that a step further, and said for every dollar we invested with the Nausley’s we received over 10 dollars in net profit, you would most likely want to engage sandler in your business as well!

The highest compliment that I can give to Dan and Lisa Nausley, other than the fact that they have become good friends, is that because of the impact they have had on our business they are now a part, a critical part of my sales team.
Patrick McLaughlin
Senior Vice President & General Manager of DDI Media St. Louis

Read Our Outdoor Sales Mastery Blog!

OOH Sales Blog
OOH Leadership Blog
October 7, 2024
Don’t Just Be Another Sales Pitch. Be The Expert
Don’t just be another sales pitch. Be the expert. Be the solution. Be the one they trust to help them reach their business goals.
September 23, 2024
Making Yourself the Obvious Choice Among Competitors
In a recent OOH Sales Mastery session, new clients initially focused on common selling points like competitive pricing and service, but these are often shared by all competitors. The key to differentiation lies in understanding the prospect's unique needs. Salespeople should go beyond surface-level promises by asking the right questions, actively listening, and offering tailored solutions. This approach shifts the conversation from being transactional to becoming a trusted advisor, building confidence in the prospect and establishing a long-term partnership rather than just selling a product.
August 14, 2024
A Strategic Approach to Boosting Renewal Rates
Retaining and growing your most valuable clients hinges on more than just delivering impressive results; it’s about delivering success on the customer’s terms. Central to this strategy is the cultivation of high-level client executive relationships, where value—defined from the client’s perspective—is at the heart of every interaction.To foster and sustain these critical relationships, regular client-executive meetings are not just recommended; they are essential.
August 3, 2024
Five Tips for Effective OOH Sales Coaching
There is no one-size-fits all sales coaching model. There are only approaches that have been shown to be successful in particular situations. As the coach, you must identify each individual salesperson’s personal “success code” – and use that code to unlock the salesperson’s potential for success. Here are five tips that have been proven to help OOH sales leaders unlock that code.
Pete Schroeder - Headshot

"Up $25k/Mo. consistently!"

Before I met you guys, we were fat and happy, rolling right along. The last thing we needed in my mind was sales help.

What I began to realize as we talked was we weren’t nearly as fat and happy as I thought - at 88% occupancy, we were doing great, but we were also leaving a lot on the table that could make us even more successful.

I’ve been blessed with long-time staff and salespeople - but I also know they’re just tired of listening to me, what I had to say didn’t have as much impact after a period.

Since we have engaged with the Outdoor Sales Mastery Class, our occupancy was driven up to the mid 90’s very quickly, and it’s caused our monthly billing to be up $25K per month consistently, month in and month out.

I think an awful lot of the continued impact has been the relationship and the trust that has been developed with the team. They know you understand our business, and you’re always willing to help any time they reach out.

It’s not just sales we have benefited from...it’s how you have engaged us as leaders, as executives. You’ve helped me personally from a management perspective and certainly made me a better coach to my people.
Pete Schroeder
President of View Outdoor
Tom Jackson - Headshot

"We’ve Seen a 10 to 15% Increase in Sales Volume Already!"

I saw you guys at IBO Conferences for years, and I was always reluctant to engage. I just didn't understand the value of the training and the coaching in the OOH Sales Mastery program.

With the death of Mr. Veale, my partner, I realized that I could not by myself run this business from A to Z. I needed help learning how to sell in a more efficient and professional way. I needed to learn how to manage better. And when I brought in a salesperson, I wanted to have some training under my belt to help us transition out of the pandemic and to transition to being a better, stronger company.

Once we engaged, I think that it has really helped Leanna and I understand more how we work together, who we are, to be a better team. And I think it's really helped us in running the business, not just in sales, but in the management of it.

As I began to fully grasp the training, we've probably seen a 10% to 15% increase in volume already! We had some vacancies for the first time in our lives on static, and we've been able to fill those at a higher rate using the techniques.
Tom Jackson
Owner of Veale Outdoor Advertising
Billboard with text "Take the Complimentary Discovery Survey" with The Outdoor Sales Mastery Logo below
need training?

Take the Complimentary Discovery Survey!

What do we do well?
Where can we improve?
How does my OOH perform in these key areas?
Take the Discovery Survey
Chris Cowlbeck - Headshot

"Super impressed, exceptional value!"

We’ve all encountered a lot of what I call sales training “hucksters”. The “pushers” of all things sales and there are oodles of those types out there. A lot of us have built up a defense against it. But your firm came so highly and so strongly recommended that I thought it was worth taking a look at.

In my role as GM of IBOUSA I want to bring in available resources to improve the well-being of our operators. We’d tried several different folks in the past with very mixed or just flat feedback. When we brought in the Outdoor Sales Mastery Class, I was super impressed with the professionalism - not only the content but the vim & vigor of the presentation.

The feedback from our operators and associates has been very, very positive. I know that has caused several of them to engage with you to work with their salespeople and with them to become better leaders.

For me, one of the most impactful takeaways is the tool you use to identify all members of the team’s behavioral and communication style preferences. It’s helped us tremendously to understand how to better interact and communicate effectively with each other. We use that all the time, and I love it! It has been exceptionally valuable to me.

I’ve really appreciated the intensity, concern, and care you have for our members. It’s my job to pull in different educational and training services for IBOUSA, and the Outdoor Sales Mastery Class has been at the top of that list. I’d give you a 10 out of 10 for performance, participation, and support of the group...AND people are making money because of it! I know because I am often told by our members who use your firm.
Chris Cowlbeck
The ongoing training keeps the effective selling system fresh in my mind. Love how my industry peers can come together regularly from all over the country and learn with and from each other in a judgment-free zone. Every week I use a skill, resource, etc that was brought up during the session just a few days earlier!
The value of continuous training is priceless. It’s like having a weekly devotional/motivation topic to kick off my week! Maintaining a healthy strategy comes with consistent practice and coaching. I love this program as it keeps me focused on my behaviors and my goals.
Dave Roland - Headshot


Dave Roland
President of Roland Advertising
Full Review Here
Just like we say in advertising, repetition promotes recall. I’ve come to realize that mindset change does not happen overnight. Just like a “pro team” drill, drill, drill; until it becomes second nature. Love that we have a special weekly session for just our industry, I'm getting great info from you AND different perspectives from peers across the country.
Love that we have a concentration each week we can hone in on that skill further with breakout rooms and skill practice hearing other outdoor reps' way of using said skill. I always come out of our role play skill practices with a better way to say something or learning what is working for them.
The benefit of hearing how others in the same industry are applying the Outdoor Sales Mastery program in their daily lives is huge. We all face the same challenges, being able to bounce ideas off each other and hear feedback benefits us all. The delivery of the program is great in that you really feel like you are in the same room with each other. I forget at times that we are spread out all over the country!
Brad Mizer - Headshot


Brad Mizer
President of East West Media
Full Review Here
Claude Dicks - Headshot

"3 of the last 5 months set sales records!"

Claude Dicks
President of Allison Outdoor
Full Review Here
Mark Gamble - Headshot

"Net Income is 150%
Year Over Year"

Mark Gamble
Vice President of Transformation Media
Full Review Here

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Find out if it makes sense to invest in coaching or training for your team!

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