July 22, 2024
OOH Sales Blog

Are you investing your time in high yield or passbook savings accounts?

When working with our OOH owners and leaders, the topic can often center around how they are investing their time.  Are they expending their efforts doing things that others in the organization are perfectly capable of doing?  If they weren’t doing those things, it would give the leader the opportunity to focus on activities that are likely to drive a much higher value for the organization.  So, what are you doing with the investment of your time…high yield investment activities or passbook savings account activities?

During the average person’s Monday thru Friday, they devote approximately 20 hours per day to things like: work, sleeping, eating, our daily hygiene rituals, spending time with family, etc.  What we do with the OTHER 4 hours is crucial to our success!  According to a survey done several years ago— the most successful optimize those 4 hours in the following ways.

80%+ engaged in 1 hour a day of focus on personal & professional Goals

You can’t hit targets you don’t have.  The most successful people have identified very specifically what it is that they want to accomplish both personally and professionally.  They spend time each day focused on what those goals are and on tracking the behaviors/activities needed to move them closer to those goals.

Nearly 80 percent engaged in 1 hour a day of deliberate practice or education

Each day, the most successful regularly practiced some skill and/or devoted time to increasing their knowledge related to that skill, their career or their industry in general. How impactful would it be for you to incorporate this daily habit to maintain and improve your leadership skills and your OOH industry expertise?
Nearly all of them engaged in 30 minutes a day of exercise

Exercise has numerous benefits:
• Improves mental functioning.
• Improves health.
• Reduces the effects of stress
• Makes us feel happier.

You can't lead your people or run your OOH company in a hospital bed, it requires good health. Are you getting enough rest?  Enough healthy meals? Enough exercise?

90% spent 30 minutes a day to nurture strong relationships

• Networking: Participating in business organizations, nonprofits or trade associations.
• Telephone Calls: Calling important relationships just to stay connected.
• Birthday calls
• Got married calls
• Had a baby calls
• Loss in the family calls
• Promotion calls
• Recognition/award calls

Do you take the time to make others feel special and emotionally connected to you?  Your family, friends, employees, clients?  Trust me, when you do…they remember you and your call. Not only does this practice enrich your life personally, but it will also pay huge dividends for your OOH business.

All engaged in relaxation and leisure activities

The most successful are not superhuman. Like everyone else, they require some daily downtime. The difference between them and everyone else is that they moderate that downtime to no more than an hour a day.

How you invest your time each day determines the degree to which you are successful in your personal and OOH business life. Create daily habits that make productive use of your time. Stick to your daily routines. Every productive minute pays dividends down the road in the form of heightened leadership skills and OOH expertise, good health and strong relationships. These daily habits have a cumulative effect which eventually shows up in the form of a greater degree of success than you ever realized you could have.

Need help with sales skills or coaching to take your out of home company to the next level.  Learn more about OOH Sales Mastery at or Contact Dan Nausley at, 423.702.5579.  


Lisa & Dan Nausley and Reggie Piercy of Sandler Chattanooga have developed the OOH Sales Mastery Program after more than a decade of training/coaching thousands of OOH Operators across the country in sales, leadership, and executive coaching.

Read more Outdoor Sales Mastery Blogs

August 18, 2023
OOH Sales
OOH Sales: 6 Steps to Better Listening on a Sales Call
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August 18, 2023
OOH Leadership
OOH Leadership: Check Your Ego At the Door
A bloated ego creates vulnerability for manipulation by others. If we subconsciously seek positive affirmation, it can render us predictable and susceptible to being led into decisions that harm ourselves, our team, and our organization.When we believe we’re the sole architects of our success, it can lead to being more rude,selfish behaviors, and a propensity to interrupt others. This attitude is particularly evident when faced with criticism or setbacks. An overgrown ego can obstruct our ability to learn from mistakes and hamper our appreciation of llessons derived from failure.Perhaps most damaging is that a large ego constantly searches for information that aligns with its beliefs. Essentially, an inflated ego can cause a strong confirmation bias. Consequently, we may lose perspective and find ourselves in a leadership bubble, where we only perceive and hear what we want, losing touch with the people we lead and ultimately our clients and land leaseholders.