September 23, 2024
OOH Sales Blog

Making Yourself the Obvious Choice Among Competitors

In facilitating an OOH Sales Mastery session this week with some very new clients from across the country, we were discussing the various unique value propositions that each of them felt that OOH in general and more specifically their company provided to their customers.  Opening the session, the question was posed to the group to share what they felt those were.  What we heard were typical responses from new clients…and couldn’t have been further from what they should have been thinking about.

Salespeople are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. It's common to hear pitches emphasizing competitive pricing, exceptional service, and years of experience. While these points may seem like a good way to stand out, the reality is that most competitors are offering the same promises—whether they can back them up or not.

This creates a challenge for OOH salespeople: from the prospect's perspective, there is often no clear distinction between the locations/type of boards and the competitions.  In reality, in some form or fashion all of your media competitors are making these same type of promises…not just your OOH competitors.   When everyone is claiming to have the best price, service, locations, creative and expertise, how does a potential OOH buyer know who to trust? How can they determine which is the right fit for them?

The truth is you can’t simply rely on traditional selling points to win a deal. To stand out, you must go beyond the surface-level claims that everyone else is making. The real key to differentiation lies in understanding the prospect and their unique needs. By taking the time to discover what the prospect truly wants to achieve and how your solution can specifically address their challenges/opportunities, you position yourself as more than just another option—you become the clear, best choice.
Building this kind of understanding requires asking the right questions, actively listening to the answers, and demonstrating genuine interest in solving their problems. When you can show that you grasp their specific situation and offer a solution tailored to those needs, the conversation shifts. Instead of being just another salesperson with a generic pitch, you become a trusted advisor who understands them.  Everyone else?  Transactional sellers.  Remember this fact, when you win business based on price…that is how you will ultimately lose that business as well.

In this approach, you're not just selling a billboard. You’re selling confidence. Confidence that your solution will work because you’ve taken the time to understand what they need and how best to implement it. While competitive pricing and service matter, prospects value a customized solution and the expertise behind it far more.
By focusing on understanding your prospect and crafting a tailored approach, you can overcome the competition. You'll offer more than just a billboard—you'll offer a partnership that delivers results. That is how you make yourself the obvious choice and a valuable asset, rather than just one option among many in a crowded field of competitors.

Need help with sales skills or coaching to take your out of home company to the next level.  Learn more about OOH Sales Mastery at  or Contact Dan Nausley at, 423.702.5579.  

Lisa & Dan Nausley and Reggie Piercy of Sandler Chattanooga have developed the OOH Sales Mastery Program after more than a decade of training/coaching thousands of OOH Operators across the country in sales, leadership, and executive coaching.

Read more Outdoor Sales Mastery Blogs

February 23, 2024
OOH Leadership
Successful Hiring Requires Knowing What You Are Looking For!
Let me throw a couple of statistics at you that will blow your mind. According to a recent study conducted with hiring managers…1. 92% of hiring managers polled could not specifically describe what characteristics/attributes would be required for a new hire to be successful in the role they were hiring for.2. With the benefit of hindsight, those same hiring managers were asked what percentage of the new hires in the last 5 years would they confidently describe as “best fit” hires for their roles. Their answer? Less than 15%‍. How can you find the best candidates for your OOH sales position if you don’t really know what you are looking for?
February 18, 2024
OOH Sales
Why You are Not Getting a Response to Your Prospecting Emails
We work hard on the front end before we ever reach out to someone. We create a hyper-personalized message. That may not be what all of us are used to doing, but it’s what we need to do if we want to beat our OOH and other media competitors. Before we ever reach out, we want to find some things that we can talk about that will help us to make this case to each one of our prospects: Of all the people in the world, you are the only person on the planet who could have received this particular message. If we don’t make that case, then we don’t even make it onto the radar screen. I realize that’s a paradigm shift. What used to work just doesn’t anymore. I can’t keep doing what I always did and expect I am going to get different results. I realize it takes some effort on our side. But that’s the reality. And I promise you it takes less time and effort than you may think.